Quarantine and God’s Will for your Life

by Joel Miles

We can spend our lives thinking that true life is somewhere out there, in a different context, at a different time, waiting to be discovered. We can live as if it is possible to miss what God calls us to do, and so miss our lives. Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that life is right now. It is here. Whatever situation you are in is the season God has placed you in. Embrace it. You can be confident this is his will for you right now. And though it may be difficult, in time God will make it beautiful.

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Malissa Mackey
Who is My Neighbor?

by Ashanti Pettaway

We cannot be those who pass by suffering on the road, simply because that person doesn’t look like our neighbor. We all need to respond. And in order to do so, we must not only be aware of the situation, but we need to understand how it has come about…

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Malissa Mackey
O Death, Where is your sting? It’s Right Here.

by Joel Miles

Right now we are experiencing the sting of death. It is all around us. And as Christians, we should not feel any pressure to get over how hard this is. Yet in the midst of that weeping, we can still, and must, proclaim the victory and salvation that we will fully enjoy one day.

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Malissa Mackey
Parenting in a Pandemic

by Jon Dennis and Katina Yohpe

Our conviction, which is sometimes comforting and sometimes not, is that our kids, in the midst of this crisis, are learning a lot about life and faith and relationships no matter what kind of curriculum we are (or aren’t) using.

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Office Administrator
A Time to Lament

by Malissa Mackey

It is a time to lament. It is a time to bring all of these things before the Lord and be reminded that He hears our prayers, He holds our tears, He is grieved over this brokenness too.

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Office Administrator