The Chicago Plan is Holy Trinity Church's residential training program devoted to training emerging pastors, church planters, and full-time Christian workers. The curriculum consists of three parts: classroom instruction, ministry experience, and mentorship.

Classroom Instruction

Since the Chicago Plan began, the classroom instruction has focused on the basic tools for Biblical exposition. Our goal is to equip each participant with the skills they need to responsibly and rightly handle the Bible so that they may teach it to others.

Ministry Experience

The Chicago Plan students also engage in nearly every aspect of Holy Trinity Church's ministry. On any given Sunday, you may see an intern helping set up for the service, leading an adult Sunday school class, working with the children's ministry, maybe even preaching. During the week, participants help lead community groups, work in the office, and lead several other aspects of church ministry.


The final piece in the training is mentorship. Perhaps you have heard it said that some things are better caught than taught. This is a powerful truth that the Bible affirms. Having a more seasoned mentor to disciple those that are younger in the ministry is evident throughout the New Testament. The mentoring pastors not only teach the interns in the classroom, they also interact with them on their ministry responsibilities, training them and giving them feedback.

These three important aspects of the training result in better prepared and better-rounded preachers and teachers for Christ’s church.

To learn more, contact the Chicago Plan Coordinator, Sully Curtin

Interested in applying to the Chicago Plan?

To submit an application, please click on the appropriate link below. Applications will be received up until two weeks prior to the start date for Chicago Plan.

Application for new applicants

Re-application for current interns