Summer 22 Discipleship Opportunities
All Church Summer Picnics
We look forward to our summer all church picnics! Mark your calendar for 6:00pm on the following dates and look for more information as we get closer.
June 29 - Humboldt Park -
July 27 - Montrose Beach
Sept 7 - 12th Street Beach - Baptism Service
Women’s Summer Study
This summer, HTC women will meet across the city in different neighborhoods to spend time in the Word together. We will be studying the book of Amos and we’re excited this year to kick off our study by meeting all together in our worship space on June 15th! Groups will continue to meet weekly in homes and then we’ll meet together 2 other times during the summer as well - July 13 and Aug 10.
Please fill out the form below if you’d like to be in a study and we’ll be sure to get you connected to one near you!
Men’s Summer Ministry
Join us for weekly morning prayer gatherings on Fridays throughout the summer.
There will also be 3 "grill-out" nights (June, July, and August) exclusively for connection and fellowship. This will be a great opportunity to invite friends/new guys into the HTC community.
June 22 | Lincoln Park
July 20 | Hyde Park
August 17 | Hyde Park
The Summer Institute of Faith & Work
Do you ever wonder what your 8am-5pm (and beyond!) job has to do with God's Kingdom purposes? Are you just supposed to grind it out and wait for retirement to do what you really want to do? What voices are you listening to when it comes to how you should think about your work?
Join us this summer for an interactive 6-week course to explore these questions in community. We'll dive deeper into a theology of work, wrestle through ideas about calling and vocation and learn about the integration of faith and work from seasoned professionals in various occupations.
WHEN: Tuesdays June 14 - July 19th
TIME: from 6:30-8:30pm
LOCATION: 218 S Wabash, 2nd floor
COST: $50 (includes materials and dinner every Tuesday)
Register by June 1 and receive a $20 discount using code: EARLY.